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Ethiopia Social Accountability Program


ESAP’s development objective is to support strengthening the SA system and mechanisms for enhanced service delivery in Ethiopia. To that end, ESAP’s focus is on the five pro-poor sectors. These include education, health, agriculture, WASH and rural roads. 


Recognizing that citizens may have higher priorities related to other sectors, the ESAP3 SA approach does facilitate the identification of such priorities and their processing through the SA cycle so that (local) governments are aware and can take action in response.

Recent News


CSOs Mapping Study Shows Improvement in the Provision of Basic Services in Ethiopia


A new Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Mapping Study has revealed an improvement in the provision of basic services in Ethiopia, a remarkable change in the CSOs landscape in the country since the 2014 Mapping Study. The findings of the study were disseminated in a workshop organized on September 30, 2022 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, by The European Union Civil Society Fund (EU-CSF), and attended by more 50 representatives from private institutions, government agencies and civil society organizations, among others.


Coalition Building Workshop

Field Stories


Why does it matter to raise social accountability (SA) awareness among students? What about sustaining it in the school systems and mechanisms?  The journey to achieve both may not be easy, but one Woreda Social Accountability Committee has succeeded through forming social accountability school clubs and setting clear guidelines.

ESAP Woredas

ESAP works in 416 woredas throughout the nation.


ESAP in pictures

Partial View of participants 1
Presentation on ESAP's Inclusion Experience by Tarik Endale
Presentation on WaA Ethiopia Experience by Tariku Wakuma
Opening Remark By MoWSA HR CEO

ESAP Videos 

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The World Bank facilitates a Multi Donor Trust Fund on behalf of the Federal Government of Ethiopia. ESAP donors are the European Union, Austrian Development Agency, Irish Aid, UKaid and the Embassy of Sweden Addis Ababa

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