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Coalition Building Workshop

The Coalition Building Workshop was successfully held on August 29th, 2024 at the Inter Luxury Hotel in Addis Ababa. International NGOs currently working on social accountability, governance, and civic engagement participated in the workshop.

Networking and Partnership Workshop

ESAP-MA recently hosted a networking and partnership workshop at the Inter Luxury Hotel on August 20, 2024.

Study visit in Accra, Ghana

VNG International organized a 5-day study visit in Accra, Ghana from June 24th to June 28th, 2024, for a group of 29 participants. The group included 5 higher officials from the Ministry of Finance, 18 SA focal persons from the Regional Bureau of Finance, 4 staff members from VNG International and 2 staff members from the World Bank.

7th National Disability Inclusion Coordination Forum

VNG International in collaboration with Ministry of Women and Social Affairs organized the 7th National Disability Coordination Forum.

ESAP Implementation in Tigray Progressing

The Government of Ethiopia, the Basic Service Delivery Group (BSDG) and the Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP) Development Partners (DPs) conducted Basic Service Delivery (BSD) and Joint Review & Implementation Support (JRIS) national workshop from 6-8 December 2023 at the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Addis Ababa.

National Learning Seminar Highlights SA Sustainability and Institutionalization

A national learning seminar, entitled “It is not by Chance: From Participation to Engagement”, was successfully conducted on 16-17 November 2023 at Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.

ESAP Learning Seminar Emphasizes SA Sustainability and Institutionalization

ESAP Learning Seminar Emphasizes SA Sustainability and Institutionalization Aimed at sustaining and institutionalizing social accountability (SA), a regional ESAP Learning Seminar has taken place in Addis Ababa, Hawassa and Dire Dawa on 30 and 31 October 2023.

European Union – Civil Society Fund III

European Union – Civil Society Fund III

The European Union Civil Society Fund III (EU-CSF III), a follow-up of the previous two phases by the EU, was successfully completed on October 11, 2023.

Finance Refersher Training

IPs Urged to Focus on Quality and Timely Financial Reporting

ESAP3 Kicks off in Tigray

Araya Women & Children Charitable Organization (AWCCO) and Alliance of Civil Society Organizations of Tigray (ACSOT) have jointly organized a launching workshop for Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP3) in Tigray region on July 29, 2023.

Held in Mekelle, the inception workshop attracted more than 50 participants drawn from Tigray Interim Regional Administration, sub- implementing partners, VNG International (the Management Agency of ESAP), sector offices and stakeholders, among others.

DPs Discuss on ESAP’s Exit Strategy

Development Partners (DPs) of the Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP3) discussed on the program’s exit strategy on July 7, 2023, Addis Ababa.

ESAP Implementing Partners in Tigray Receive PDT Training

VNG International provided a four-day Pre-disbursement Training (PDT) for Araya Women & Children Charitable Organization (AWCCO) and Alliance of Civil Society Organizations of Tigray (ACSOT), and their sub-partners to implement Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP3) in Tigray Region.

JRIS Acknowledges ESAP’s Implementation Progress

The Government of Ethiopia (GoE), the Basic Service Delivery Group (BSDG) and the Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP3) Development Partners (DPs) conducted Basic Service Delivery and Joint Review & Implementation Support (JRIS) from June 1-2, 2023 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa.

Towards Sustaining Social Accountability

Under the theme ‘Enhancing Effectiveness and Ensuring Institutionalization of Social Accountability’, VNG International organized a two-day Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP3) Review Workshop in Adama (from 11 to 12 May 2023) and Hawassa, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa (from 16 to 17 May 2023).

Radio Journalists Receive Training on SA

VNG International provided a two-day- training on media, social accountability (SA), gender and social inclusion for 40 radio journalists, currently working with Implementing Partners (IPs) of Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP), from 25-26 April 2023 in Adama town.

VNG International Holds Panel Discussion on Social Accountability

VNG International held a panel discussion on “Exit and Sustainability Strategy for the Ethiopian Social Accountability Program” on March 24, 2023 at Hyatt Regency, Addis Ababa.

Contributing to SA Implementation Practice in Africa

VNG International shared its over 10 years of Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP) implementation best practices and lessons with representatives from African countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Mali, Ghana and Tanzania, at a conference organized by WaterAid on a theme “Scaling Up Social Accountability Practices in East Africa to Improve WASH in Healthcare Facilities” from 25-27 January 2023 at Tulip Hotel, Addis Ababa.

CSOs Mapping Study Shows Improvement in the Provision of Basic Services in Ethiopia

A new Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Mapping Study has revealed an improvement in the provision of basic services in Ethiopia, a remarkable change in the CSOs landscape in the country since the 2014 Mapping Study. The findings of the study were disseminated in a workshop organized on September 30, 2022 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, by The European Union Civil Society Fund (EU-CSF), and attended by more 50 representatives from private institutions, government agencies and civil society organizations, among others.

ESAP launches pre-disbursement training for implementing partners

Addis Ababa – 16 February 2022

The ESAP management agency launched a four-day (16-21 February 2022) mandatory pre-disbursement training for the first batch of its implementing partners (IPs) with whom grant agreements were signed earlier this week.

ESAP Management Agency signs Agreement with new Implementing Partners

The ESAP management agency today signed grant agreements with the first batch of implementing partners (IPs) under its new grants program. A total of 22 IPs (8 lead partners and 14 sub-partners) participated in the event.



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