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Phase 1 (2006 – 2009)


ESAP1 started as two demonstration projects led by two national charities and (civil) society organizations (ChSOs) to pre-test social accountability (SA) concepts, approaches, tools/instruments at the local level. The demonstration phase was a learning process for starting a larger pilot project. The ESAP1 pilot was implemented by 12 lead ChSOs with 36 sub-partners in seven selected regions (Somali, Harari, Amhara, Tigray, Oromia, Beni-Shangul Gumuz and SNNPR) and in two city administrations (Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa).  A total of 86 woredas were covered.


Phase 2 (2012 – 2018)


ESAP2 was implemented from 2012 to 2016, then extended through 2018 through an extension and a bridging phase.  Close to 100 partner CSOs implemented SA activities in 223 woredas distributed over all of the country’s regions and the two city administrations. 

During the bridging phase of ESAP2, activities continued but funding limitations curtailed the monitoring of implementing partners which eventually led to a decline in performance in various regions/woredas. 



Phase 3 (2019 – mid 2023)


During the current phase 3 of ESAP, further expansion of the number of woredas to 417 is planned.  At the same time, the focus of the program has shifted from primarily working on the demand side of SA to strengthening the engagement of the supply side, i.e., local government. ESAP3’s work is centered at woreda level where citizen priorities that filter through the SA process at community level are consolidated in joint actions plans that serve as input into the woreda planning and budget process.  ESAP3 also prepares operational woredas for a transition from the project to government and CSOs as part of its institutionalization and sustainability strategy. In support of that strategy, ESAP3 is making use of existing community groups and structures, rather than creating parallel structures such as community level SA committees.

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